
“What could be better than painting out in the fresh air in a place of great natural beauty with the coolest group of people you’re ever likely to meet? Paint camp! Paint camp! I fell asleep while thinking of mixing greens and dreamed of painting all night. The only thing that will keep me going on after it’s over this year is the prospect of Fall Color Week in Maine in October.”
Jacqueline L. Bellows
“I went to paint, and left having just encountered a life changing experience. To paint unencumbered is one thing, but to do it with 100 other artists, and to share their gifts and knowledge. It was unbelievable. There has not been a single thing in my artistic career that helped me more than just heading up to the middle of the woods and painting with all of you. I long for the day when I can return again. The friends I made, the art I created, in a land as scenic as it comes.”
Greg Summers
“The benefits of attending are many, but perhaps the most important can be summed up in three words: ‘We’re not alone.’ For one week we form a caring, supportive community of painters where we’re reminded that we all have good days and bad days; we have passion, but we’re often full of doubts; and we learn that it’s okay to make mistakes, try something new, and learn from each other.”
John MacDonald
“I go to spend a week with amazing people who all have the same goal: to have fun, enjoy making friends, spending time with old friends and to PAINT!”
Symi Jackson
“Who wouldn’t want to just have everything in life provided, and just roll out of bed and paint?”
Dorothy Gardiner
“Thars gold in them thar hills! It’s called paintings and friends and music and like-minded crazy people like me! Love it!”
Terre K Ritchie
“Renewal for the mind, body, and spirit. And it’s a lot of fun, too! If there is plein air painting in Heaven, I’m sure it will be a lot like this.”
Ed Bouwmeester
“I attended three years in a row and still did not get to all of the locations that Eric chose for us. Such a great week. No worries, great accommodations, best people, and Rosemary brushes too! Best summer camp for adults ever, and so beautiful there.”
Lynne Polley
“I went to the first four and cried at home when I had to miss the next. Never enough ADK for me. Thank goodness the participants post images and share their joy.”
Kathy Schifano
“The Adirondack mountains have some of the most beautiful scenes in the United States. With a vertical rise in some areas of 5000+ feet, these mountains are older than the Tetons. Also, there is more underground water in the Northeast than any place else in the world. This is evident in the many lakes, ponds, waterfalls, streams and rivers in the Adirondack state park.”
Marianne Valenti Kuhn
“I LOVE the Publisher’s Invitationals and I go every chance I can! It’s like a family reunion without the crazy uncle. We paint all day, fellowship, share ideas, play music, eat, drink and just have a good time. When I return home, I’m a better painter and I hope a better person. Who couldn’t use a week of no drama & stress? Thank you Eric for sharing your piece of paradise!”
Rick Wilson
“It was a life changing, well organized event, just like everything Eric Rhoads does! This will be my second time, and I am hooked forever! The first was to be a gift to myself for personal time painting plein air, and the anniversary of my artist father passing, representing his lifetime encouragement to me as an artist. It was a journey alone where I met kindred spirits to keep forever!”
Susan Nicholas Gephart
“It only takes 3 words to describe why I go to paint camp..I LOVE IT!!! I’m returning for my 5th year- my kind of fun for sure!!”
Bonnie McGown Torres